Craig Skibiski

George U. Young ‘Puritan Group of Mines’ letter October 12th, 1902 Puritan, Puritan No. 2, Surenough lode claims

Craig Skibiski
This letter is written in the promotion of the then concept of what was to be the Puritan Group of Mines (lode claims) consisting of Puritan, Puritan No. 2 and Surenough mine. The letter indicates ‘All three claims join each other and the veins well defined’…This concept is challenging to say the least, especially in consideration of the configuration illustrated by J.J. Fisher in the 1907 Mineral Survey #2424 which is supposed to represent a ‘survey’ for George U. Young’s ‘Derby MInes’ and later used as survey of Madizelle Mines of the Madizelle Mining Company from 1908 through it’s incorporation in United States Serial Patent 818945 a patent of something, but only to the Madizelle Mining Company.
Craig Skibiski
This is page 2 of the letter which is a Fictitious ‘Certificate of Assay’ from Mr. George W. Sarano for George U. Young October 12th, 1902 Puritan Group of Mines, before Mineral Survey 2424.

George W. Sarano was also the map maker of the 1903 Tributary Mining District of Prescott, and an integral part of the leasing of the land from James R. Lowry of the ‘Lowry-Hill Mines’. This letter above was prepared during the same year that George U. Young leased the ground location of mineral estate from James R. Lowry and Samuel Hill ‘Lowry-Hill’ who originally established the mining camp.