No Redemption
In 1947, A Treasurer’s Deed to the Highland Pines ‘premises’, Mineral Survey 2424 was issued and recorded by J.H. Baldwin. According to the Deed, the Property not having been redeemed from such sale, the Treasurer conveyed unto J. Walters Jr. all right, title and interest, acquired by said proceedings, in and to the following described premises situated in the County of Yavapai, State of Arizona, to-wit:
Derby, Derby No. 2, Derby No. 3, Ellen No. 1, Ellen No. 2, Happy Strike, Highland, Hugenot, Humbert, Iron Mask, Italian, Knocker Down, Madizelle, Patsy, Pena Alto No. 1, Pena Alto No. 2, Pena Alto No.3, Protection No. 3, Puritan, Puritan No. 2, Surenough, Sunny Side, Sunnyside No. 1, 388.423 Acres. In Sections 26-27-28-33-34-35 – TwP 14 N-3W.

The Widow Maker
On November 29th, 1939 Mary Ellen Young, a widow of George U. Young, conveyed 25 patented mining claims to Perry E. Brown and Helen Y. Brown, situated in Yavapai County. The twenty-five mining claims were the same lode claims in Township 14 North, Range 3 West, G & S.R.B.A.M. known as those of U.S. Mineral Survey 2424. The date of location(s) on the recorded warranty deed for all 25 claims referenced are important to note.
The 1939 warranty deed was filed at the request of Helen Y. Brown in 1940. Helen Brown was also known as Helen Young, daughter of George U. Young, who married Perry E. Brown, an employee of the Grand Canyon National Park, in the 1930’s. This recording is found in Book 177 of Deeds, Page 52.

A ‘Quick’ Claim
Removing Young’s fictional 2424 dynasty, publicly, formally, began here with the 1948 ‘Quit-Claim Deed’ to John P. Lichter from Perry and Helen Brown (Young), to 388.423 Acres of AiR. For all intents, appearances and purposes at hand, both known and/or unknown, Lichter was now free to move forward with his turnover to the inceptors of Highland Pines.

Almost in 1948…..A chain of deeds…..Highland Pines in Prescott, Arizona Yavapai County
Licked Her
John P. Lichter flipped his quitclaimed empire of light to the creators of Highland Pines, Elmer J. ‘the bucks‘ Winternheimer and J. Earl ‘the brains‘ Wilson. Earl and Elmer, Arizona real estate brokers, manifested and developed Highland Pines Properties with the assistance of the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors and their civil engineers.
Elmer backed with the bank roll and Earl (John) begun to design and name the streets throughout what is now known as the Highland Pines or maybe it’s Highland Park. Perceived private Title to the land is based upon the various quit claim deeds, that in actuality begun with quit claims to non-existent mineral estates and ‘mining deeds‘, prior U.S. Patent 818945 of Mineral Survey 2424 to Madizelle Mining Company. Above is the other side of the 1920 orchestration by George U. Young to the U.S. general land office, a Yavapai County his story, a continuation of the multitude of Arizona ‘quick claims’.