The Knocker Doom Lode claim dated September 7, 1906, takes in 1500’ x 600’, 400’ east and 1100’ west of the discovery shaft. According to the recorded notice of location, the claim is stated to be situated ‘between the Sunny Mine and the Great Eastern. The question here is: If the Knocker Doom was overlapping the Great Eastern lode to any degree, would it the K.D. surface rights not be excluded ground at best, possibly defeating the location entirely depending on the true location of the Great Eastern, etc.?
The same can be asked for the ground purportedly covered by the Surenough lode. According to M.S. 2424, this is a considerable area of ground, that if M.S. 2424 was factual, would be excluded from location, and subsequent surface rights as presented in the patent, since the G.E. claim was made first in time, prior to the Surenough.
The Knocker Doom and Surenough conflict appears to be addressed in the field notes of mineral survey 2424, however the Knocker doom is only an area in conflict with the Surenough of 1.299 acres. The area as platted, appears to be more consistent with the Surenough conflict.
The Surenough conflict states a conflict area of 2.769 acres. This is just acknowledging the platted calculated conflict area.
The Knocker Doom may have a larger conflict, but the senior Surenough would just be there, wherever there is, actually on the surface of the earth somewhere, not existing theoretically.