From ARIZONA magazine: “In this issue will be found the stock offering of the Madizelle Mining Company, designated to raise a modest amount of money to make effective, operations on a property six miles from Prescott, Arizona, that has been under development intermittently for the last fifteen years. The mine is well known, is opened to considerable depth and its core values are proved by the many assays and ore shipments. Its location within gunshot of the S.F.P.& P. railroad insures economy in working. Its management vests chiefly in George U. Young, former secretary of the territory, later Mayor of Phoenix, and principal owner of the historic Mammoth mine at Goldfield, Arizona, operated by the Young Mines Company. The inactivity of the Madizelle in recent years has been solely due to the more imperative demands on the time and energy of Mr. Young, in his official duties and in the rehabilitating of the Mammoth mine, which is now practically accomplished.
No man in this state is better known that George Young, or has more personal friends or political enemies, and he is proud of them all. No man of like means has been more constructive in his operations or fair and broad minded in his ideals. Right or wrong, wise or foolish in his judgements, none have accused him of crooked manipulations or double cross methods. His proudest boasts that he plays fair. When he makes a dollar, he splits it squarely with the man who helped him do it. He can see no further into the ground than others but in respect of the Madizelle regards the facts in evidence as sufficient for any investigating person. All that is needed is a little money to do the things that any man’s good judgement would prompt. Within the advertisement, George Young gives this project his personal endorsement as an investment. READ IT. Then read the rest of the ad and act on your own judgement.
Reference has been made to the Mammoth mine, which Mr. Young says isn’t a bit better than the Madizelle only its reputation has been made. It is situated at the foot of the Superstition Mountain at the extreme eastern end of the Salt river valley and was discovered between 25 and 30 years ago.A long and interesting story could be written about it but at this time a few words will suffice.
Every old timer in Arizona knows that it was acquired by Charlie Hall, a well known Colorado operator. He took fortune out of it by gophering around in an unsystematic way. Robbing big pockets of high grade. He died and his son operated it for a year or so before his death, after which it was allowed to cave and it returned almost to a primitive condition before the estate was settled up and Mr. Young bought it, several years ago, and began its rehabilitation in accordance with modern methods. It took about all the sap and pep and cash and credit that Mr. Young had to put this thing over in the hard times of the past four years but he did it and for a couple of years now he has had a twenty stamp mill working a considerable part of the time.
Things are going fine at the Mammoth and in addition to what Mr. Young put into the game originally he has taken out many thousands of dollars and put it back in improvements and developments. He declares that there is more ore in sight right now than there ever was before and engineers back up his statements. But with the present equipment he can never make the mine what it ought to be, for it ought to make fortunes for a hundred or a thousand men.
He could sell it in fifteen minutes if he would let the other fellows name the terms, but he won’t. Though it is incorporated there are only a few stockholders. For until recently he has refused to sell stock except in a limited way and by private arrangement. Mr. Young is now effecting some changes in corporation details and it is altogether likely that in the near future he will place this stock win the market for public sale. In fact he could now affect stock subscriptions against that day, but due to incompleted arrangements he could not deliver the stock before July 10th.
This magazine is authorized to announce that if Mr. Young decides to offer this stock for public sale, its first advertisement will appear in these columns. That such an offer will be taken advantage of eagerly, there can be no doubt, for a good deal Mr. Youngs worry in the past has been in turning down his friends who were keen to “get in” on the Mammoth and as for the value of the property, it has no knockers, even among those who would willingly take a fall out of its owner.”