First Impressions
The U.S. land patent 818945, is in essence a quitclaim deed to nothing~that exists nowhere. Amongst the many entertaining writing contained in the Madizelle Mining Company’s ‘conceptual patent’, is the description below which states: “Said lode mining claims are traversed in a general E. and W. direction by a vein of rock in place 2 to 6 ft. width, carrying gold, silver and copper. There is also a vein traversing said claims in a general N. and S. direction not yet fully explored. The main lode outcrops frequently and discovery of valuable mineral in rock in place has been made on each and every claim described in this application. The main vein is quartz, enclosed by diorite and andesite. Ore to an approximate value of $100,000 has already been extracted from these claims and at least equal values uncovered.”

The Final Certificate
In regards to mineral land patentor application 045620: Department of the Interior United States Land Office At Phoenix, Arizona August 27, 1920 ‘The annexed papers were filed the day and hour noted thereon.’ Handwriting reads “Respectfully referred to G.L.O. for action. Final Certificate issued July 1, 1920 All papers to G.L.O. with July, 1920 Returns“. The same Final Certificate was ‘issued‘ upon payment for all 25 claims in July 1920. This is inclusive of the Protection #2 and the Puritan No. 3, per U.S. mineral survey #2424, of course.
The question remains: How did the Department of Agriculture -Forest Service/ District 3 justify the remaining 23 lode claims of Mineral Survey 2424, via the Prescott National Forest employee, after the 1920 issuance of the Final Certificate and Receipt for the 419+ acres, in a township that was unsurveyed and revoked as to entry of public lands, by executive order of the President?
If valid, the ‘Forest Service’ could not of interfered with the rights to ‘Title’ already earned and paid for by claimant under the mining law. Without any protest -prior to receipt for the land applied (25 lode claims), and the issuance of the Final Certificate, any latter objection or interference by the ‘Forest Service’ should have in fact been null. After the date of the Final Certificate, the efforts should have been simply ministerial in the issuance of the patent itself. Nonetheless, the entirety of all 25 mining claims to ‘Highland Pines‘ are purely theoretical, and cannot be known to exist outside one’s mind.